Saturday, July 20, 2013

This is my introduction to my official reentry into the blogsphere. 

Hello, I'm:  

Michael A. Lewis


Michael A. Lewis is a native and resident of Houston, Texas. He is also the proprietor of
 Indigo Books Publishing ©
 an imprint created to directly address the underrepresentation of African American writers across various literary genres. IBP also allows authors to retain creative control and artistic integrity of their works.

He previously worked as a Human Resources Representative for a major U.S. Bank prior to his first release in 2006 and subsequently committed himself to his literary career full time. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and is currently completing a second Master’s degree in Social Sciences.

He is the author of the following novels:

What You Won’t Do for Love
(First Printing, 2006) (Second Printing 2012)

(First Printing, 2009) (Second Printing 2012)

Get Somebody
(New Release – September 18, 2012)

Mr. Lewis is currently working on a new novel tentatively entitled Going in Circles, which will be next in the “Victor” series, including 
What You Won’t Do For Love and EXPOSED.