I ask this because, we always say people make choices that determines their fate, but the choices we make are affected by the capacity of our mental capability. With the strongest will someone with a chemical imbalance can only make choices withing the scope of their affliction.
Many people dismiss mental disorders because they are on the outside looking in. They also pain everyone else with the broad strokes of the brush that governs their own life. Depression is an example. Some people dismiss depression as a blue mood, or someone simply being down in the dumps. It is far more complicated than that. I have been depressed. I have been depressed for LONG periods of time.I have been so depressed that it became a way of life for me. I didn't know HOW to be happy again because I has been so sad for so long. So, I can somewhat relate to Clinical Depression. Even in my prolonged depressed state though, I only got a glimpse into what someone deals with with a chemical imbalance at the root of their depression. Mine was not such that it couldn't be changed by MY actions. I simply had to learn HOW to change it and how to balance and govern my life in a way that would make me happy.
Faith is a good thing to have but along with faith god also gave us COMMON SENSE.... when we allow blind faith to overrule common sense and lep into things that are dangerous do you really think God want's that? Do you really take things so literal that you would jump off a 20 story building and remain faithful that God will prevent you from dying when you hit the pavement? That is not faith... it is stupidity. God didn't make most of us stupid.
Hormones affect everything from mood, mental clarity, coordination, strength, sex drive, sexual desire, emotional state, etc. I am sure most people with a minimun amount of medical knowledge know this to a certain extent. SO I ask, why is it that many of us continually criticize others for what they do when wed don't know the whole story? Why is it that when it is not us, we are an expert at trying to diagnose WHY people do certain things, when we are NOT qualified to do so?
We say people WANT to do things that NO sane person would want to do. Then when presented with evidence of a chemical or medical explanation, we dismiss it not because we don'tbelieve it, but we do it to save face and try to force our previous assumptions to be true int he face of this scrutiny.
How can you say a person is gay b/c they want to be and not because of sexual development or hormonal differences?
How can you say a person can control alcoholism or addiction by simply praying when they have a clear genetic marker for addictive predisposition AND they are a 6th generation alcoholic.
At what point do you have the common sense to realize that GOD is NOT at war with science, the ignorance of man is the greatest impedence to scientific progress. God invented science.. HOW? God is the creator of all and everythign was built according to the LAWS GOD itself created. Science is merely the revelation of those laws and explanations of the laws.
So why do ppl feel that God expects them to reject medicine and pray? Why would you pray with pneumonia and reject the antibiotics the Dr gave you, thinking that to take the medicine would be puttin faith in the Doctor and not God?...... Fool, God made the doctor, and gave the doctor the brain to become a doctor, and to develop the remedies we have. Again, Science is NOT at war with God. Science only explains the laws by which God created and sustains things.Just because youhave no interest or knowledge about something DOES not mean there is a conspiracy, it is invalid, or nonsensical. It just means that you may want to study deeper so you can UNDERSTAND it better!!
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