In this day and age the stupidity and ignorance of some people is amusingly sad. We all know that 10 times out of ten, those who project the most vitrolic hate are some of the most ignorant people we've ever come across. These are also the people who in their determined ignorance try to force their views on other people. We all have our own definitions of what a man or a woman is.
My personal definition is based on the biological definition. People love to shout that God made Men and women, no one is born gay, and it is a choice. Usually these people are closed to any proof or information that challenges or disputes their asanine beliefs. They believe that a person's sex is determined by how they look and based on that their orientation should also reflect the way they look. In the real world, people are born in many different ways based on their genetic makeup. It is easy to point and tell someone what they whould be and like and want according to your own beliefs.
In reality, the world doesnt work that way and neither does God. The bible is a double edged sword because on one hand it is full of knowledge and insight(when you have the facilities to comprehend it WITHIN it's own context), on the other hand I think the bible is the single source most responsible for a multitude of evil actions by ignorant people who fail to understand what it says.... these people are responsible for things like murder, mayhem, gossip, slander, libel, violence, oppression, disenfranchisement, slavery, rape, abuse, prejudice, discrimination, and pure hate. Below I will list some of the different ways in whihc people are born that affects sexual development.
My often repeated question to the aforementioned person is: If a person can be born with male and female genitalia, extra male or female chromosomes, or and imbalance of female and male hormones, why is it so beyond belief that a man can naturally be attracted to men or a woman be naturally attracted to a woman?
Women with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS). These women often have primary and secondary sexual characteristics typical of other women; however, they are genetically XY and have internal testes, rather than ovaries. They have the same likelihood of a genetically XX woman of enjoying sexual pleasure but are unable to biologically reproduce.
So what does the bible say about someone who appears to be female but is genetically male(xy). Because people simplify them and label them as a woman then it is a sin for her to love another woman? So how does the fact that "she" has internal testes instead of ovaries affect this? With sexual drive being linked to hormone levels, exactly how is her sexuality a "choice"? Does she choose to secrete more testerone than estrogen so she can make herself a lesbian? Does she choose to shut down her internal testes and supress testosterone to make herself produce more estrogen? See how stupid (sexuality is a choice) sounds?
In human beings, the sex status is defined at four levels: chromosomal (XY; XX), internal organs (ovaries; testicles), external organs (breasts, vulva + vagina; penis), and psyche (sexual identity).
In a XX human the default development process results in a female. In a XY human a set of genes on the Y chromosome trigger a cascade of events resulting, "if all goes well", in a male. A complete female or male developmental process entails the expression of female and male sex hormones, respectively, and of their corresponding receptors in the target tissues. Without these hormones and their receptors, the internal and external sex organs, and psyche, will not develop as expected. Sex hormones, their receptors, and downstream signal transduction proteins are coded by genes that may be genetically defective.
All these factors mean that genetic mutations can block the sexual development process at three stages: (a) before the development of the internal sex organs; (b) after the development of the internal sex organs but before the development of external sex organs; and (c) after the development of external sex organs but before the maturation of the sexual component of the psyche.
While in (a) the XY human will be indistinguishable anatomically and psychologically from a female;
in (b) the individual may either be born with ambiguous external genitals or have genitals apparently in the normal range at birth but, at pubertal age, not develop secondary sexual characteristics at all or develop secondary sexual characteristics that do not match the external genitals; and
in (c) the individual will be transgendered (formerly referred to as transsexual).
There are other intersexual states that are not the result of the genetic configurations above.
Our Sex organs are not ONLY external. We have sex organs inside as well Things like: A prostate, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus. So a person's sex is not defined only by what they LOOK like.
Also------ One of the compnents of sexual development is the psyche! Does the bible dispute any of this ? No. The bible categorically separates us into two sexes because the authors of the bible had no knowledge of biology. In the time the bible was written people thought that the male "seed" contained everything needed to make a baby and that a woman's womb was basically the incubator.
They didn't think the woman had any input in the baby's makeup whatsoever. To me this ignorance is proof that the bible is NOT the word of God .... but the word of MAN "inspired" by the word of God. So where is the word of God so we can read it then? Simple. The word of God is in us. It was included in the creation .... as stated, "the word of God is written into the hearts of all men."
In particular, where either the individual is a genetic mosaic (resulting from a fusion of two distinct embryos, one male and one female, during fetal development), or the individual contains duplicated chromosomes in the genome (XXY; XXXY). In the former case some tissues will be in the XX and others in the XY configuration; in the latter, all cells contain the Y chromosome and may or may not use it. This is a gynandromorph, which has both female and male characteristics at all four levels and may have either ambiguous sex organs (the XY/XX configuration may not be evenly distributed throughout the body) or unambiguous male and female sex organs (hermaphrodite).
So please tell me where God said if someone is attracted to a sex that doesn't match the sex that you have assigned to them then it is a sin? Also remember God made definitive males and females, but God also made these people who are not definitieve males and females either. Every human is not born according to definitions and categories predetermined for them by other people. They born according to the way God arranged them genetically.
Klinefelter syndrome, 46/47, XXY, or XXY syndrome --------------is a condition in which human males have an extra X chromosome. While females have an XX chromosomal makeup, and males an XY, affected individuals have at least two X chromosomes and at least one Y chromosome.Because of the extra chromosome, individuals with the condition are usually referred to as "XXY Males", or "47, XXY Males".
In humans, Klinefelter syndrome is the most common sex chromosome disorder in males and the second most common condition caused by the presence of extra chromosomes. The condition exists in roughly 1 out of every 500-650 males but many of these people may not show symptoms.Principal effects include hypogonadism and reduced fertility. A variety of other physical and behavioural differences and problems are common, though severity varies and many boys and men with the condition have few detectable symptoms.
Intersex, in humans and other animals, is the presence of intermediate or atypical combinations of physical features that usually distinguish female from male. This is usually understood to be congenital, involving chromosomal, morphologic, genital and/or gonadal anomalies, such as diversion from typical XX-female or XY-male presentations, e.g., sex reversal (XY-female, XX-male), genital ambiguity, or sex developmental differences. An intersex individual may have biological characteristics of both the male and the female sexes.
Intersexuality as a term was adopted by medicine during the 20th century, and applied to human beings whose biological sex cannot be classified as clearly male or female. Intersex was initially adopted by intersex activists who criticize traditional medical approaches to sex assignment and seek to be heard in the construction of new approaches.
Some people (whether physically intersex or not) do not identify themselves as either exclusively female or exclusively male. Androgyny is sometimes used to refer to those without gender-specific physical sexual characteristics or sexual preferences or gender identity, or some combination of these; such people can be physically and psychologically anywhere between the two sexes. This state may or may not include a mixture or absence of sexual preferences.
The condition affects only genetic males (that is, those with a Y-chromosome) because DHT has no known role in female development.
5-alpha-reductase deficiency
Individuals with 5-ARD can have normal male external genitalia, ambiguous genitalia, or normal female genitalia. They are born with male gonads, including testicles and Wolffian structures, but usually have female primary sex characteristics. As a consequence, they are often raised as girls, but usually have a male gender identity.
In general, individuals with 5-ARD are capable of producing viable sperm. In individuals with feminized or ambiguous genitalia, there is a tendency towards a macroclitoris or microphallus, and the urethra may attach to the phallus. This structure may be capable of ejaculations as well as erections, but may be insufficient for intercourse.
At puberty, individuals often have primary amenorrhoea, and may experience virilization. This may include descending of the testes, hirsutism (facial/body hair considered normal in males - not to be confused with hypertrichosis), deepening of the voice, and enlargement of the clitoris. In adulthood, individuals do not experience male-pattern baldness. As DHT is a far more potent androgen than testosterone alone, virilization in those lacking DHT may be absent or reduced compared to males with functional 5-alpha reductase. It is hypothesized that rising testosterone levels at the start of puberty (around age twelve) are able to generate sufficient levels of DHT either by the action of 5-alpha-reductase type 1 (active in the adult liver, non-genital skin and some brain areas) or through the expression of low levels of 5-alpha-reductase type 2 in the testes.
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a condition that results in the partial or complete inability of the cell to respond to androgens.The unresponsiveness of the cell to the presence of androgenic hormones can impair or prevent the masculinization of male genitalia in the developing fetus, as well as the development of male secondary sexual characteristics at puberty, but does not significantly impair female genital or sexual development. As such, the insensitivity to androgens is only clinically significant when it occurs in genetic males (i.e. individuals with a Y-chromosome, or more specifically, an SRY gene). Clinical phenotypes in these individuals ranges from a normal male habitus with mild spermatogenic defect or reduced secondary terminal hair, to a full female habitus, despite the presence of a Y-chromosome
Aphallia is a congenital malformity in which the phallus (penis or clitoris) is absent. Aphallia is a rare birth defect of unknown cause. It is not linked to deficient hormone amounts or action, but rather to a failure of the fetal genital tubercle to form between 3 and 6 weeks after conception. The urethra of an affected child opens on the perineum.
Clitoromegaly (or macroclitoris is an abnormal enlargement of the clitoris (not to be confused with the normal enlargement of the clitoris seen during sexual arousal). Although clitoromegaly denotes just a clitoris larger than expected (thus involving some uncertainty about what can be defined as normal), it is commonly seen as a congenital anomaly of the genitalia.
In Atlas of Human Sex Anatomy (1949)by Dr. Robert Latou Dickinson, the typical clitoris is defined as having a crosswise width of 3 to 4 mm. (0.12 - 0.16 inches) and a lengthwise width of 4 to 5 mm (0.16 - 0.20 inches). On the other hand, in Obstetrics and Gynecology medical literature, a frequent definition of clitoromegaly is when there is a CI of greater than 35 mm2 (0.05 inches2), which is almost twice the size given above for an average sized clitoral hood.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) refers to any of several autosomal recessive diseases resulting from mutations of genes for enzymes mediating the biochemical steps of production of cortisol from cholesterol by the adrenal glands (steroidogenesis).[1] CAH is one of the possible underlying synthesis problems in Addison’s disease. CAH is a genetic disorder in which girls are masculinized because the adrenal glands secrete large amounts of androgen during prenatal development. The extra androgen does not affect a baby boy's physical development, but in baby girls it can enlarge the clitoris so that it resembles a penis. The girls sometimes have surgery during infancy to correct their physical appearance, although this practice is highly controversial, and they can receive hormone therapy to correct the imbalance of androgen. During childhood and adolescence, girls with CAH prefer masculine activities and male playmates to a much greater extent than girls not exposed to these amounts of androgen.
***Most of these conditions involve excessive or deficient production of sex steroids and can alter development of primary or secondary sex characteristics in some affected infants, children, or adults.
Gonadal dysgenesis is a term used to describe multiple reproductive system development disorders. They are conditions of genetic origin. It is characterized by a progressive loss of primordial germ cells on the developing gonads of an embryo. This loss leads to extremely hypoplastic (underdeveloped) and dysfunctioning gonads mainly composed of fibrous tissue, hence the name streak gonads.
It originally referred to Turner syndrome, but use of the term has expanded to cover other conditions.
During embryogenesis, without any external influences for or against, the human reproductive system is intrinsically conditioned to give rise to a female reproductive organisation. As a result, if a gonad cannot express its sexual identity via its hormones—as in gonadal dysgenesis—then the affected person, no matter whether genetically male or female, will develop both internal and external female genitalia.
In both sexes, the commencement and progression of puberty require functional gonads that will work in harmony with the hypothalamic and pituitary glands to produce adequate hormones. For this reason, in gonadal dysgenesis the accompanying hormonal failure also prevents the development of secondary sex characteristics in either sex, resulting in a sexually infantile female appearance and infertility.
Hypospadias is a birth defect of the urethra in the male that involves an abnormally placed urinary meatus (the opening, or male external urethral orifice). Instead of opening at the tip of the glans of the penis, a hypospadic urethra opens anywhere along a line (the urethral groove) running from the tip along the underside (ventral aspect) of the shaft to the junction of the penis and scrotum or perineum. A distal hypospadias may be suspected even in an uncircumcised boy from an abnormally formed foreskin and downward tilt of the glans.
The urethral meatus opens on the underside of the glans penis in about 50–75% of cases; these are categorized as first degree hypospadias. Second degree (when the urethra opens on the shaft), and third degree (when the urethra opens on the perineum) occur in up to 20 and 30% of cases respectively. The more severe degrees are more likely to be associated with chordee, in which the phallus is incompletely separated from the perineum or is still tethered downwards by connective tissue, or with undescended testes (cryptorchidism).
Ovotestis or hermaphroditic gland (in Latin language: glandula hermaphroditica), can be found as normal anatomical features in the reproductive system of some gastropods such as the land snail Helix aspersa.
Maternal use of androgens or high doses of certain weakly androgenic synthetic progestogens (progestins) structurally related to testosterone can masculinize (virilize) the external genitalia of a female fetus during susceptible times in pregnancy.
Some degree of fusion of the labioscrotal folds and urogenital folds and clitoral enlargement can occur if exposure occurs from the 8th through the 12th week of gestation, but only clitoral enlargement can occur if exposure occurs after the 12th week. This can in some cases result in ambiguous genitalia.
Fetal masculinization of female external genitalia is usually due to enzyme abnormalities involved in adrenal steroid biosynthesis, resulting in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH); fetal masculinization of female external genitalia is much less frequently due to maternal use of androgenic steroids.
Progestin-induced virilisation
Fetal masculinization of female external genitalia due to maternal use of androgenic steroids is generally less advanced than that due to CAH, and unlike CAH, does not cause progressive virilization.
Affected females mature normally with normal fertility, there is almost total regression of the genital anomaly in cases of simple clitoral enlargement, and in even the most severe cases, surgical correction of labioscrotal fusion is relatively simple.
Swyer syndrome, or XY gonadal dysgenesis, is a type of hypogonadism in a person whose karyotype is 46,XY. The person is externally female with streak gonads, and left untreated, will not experience puberty. Such gonads are typically surgically removed and a typical medical treatment would include hormone replacement therapy with female hormones.
Turner syndrome or Ullrich-Turner syndrome (also known as "Gonadal dysgenesis") encompasses several conditions in human females, of which monosomy X (absence of an entire sex chromosome, the Barr body) is most common. It is a chromosomal abnormality in which all or part of one of the sex chromosomes is absent (unaffected humans have 46 chromosomes, of which two are sex chromosomes). Normal females have two X chromosomes, but in Turner syndrome, one of those sex chromosomes is missing or has other abnormalities. In some cases, the chromosome is missing in some cells but not others, a condition referred to as mosaicism or 'Turner mosaicism'.
Occurring in 1 in 2000 – 1 in 5000 phenotypic females, the syndrome manifests itself in a number of ways. There are characteristic physical abnormalities, such as short stature, swelling, broad chest, low hairline, low-set ears, and webbed necks. Girls with Turner syndrome typically experience gonadal dysfunction (non-working ovaries), which results in amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycle) and sterility. Concurrent health concerns are also frequently present, including congenital heart disease, hypothyroidism (reduced hormone secretion by the thyroid), diabetes, vision problems, hearing concerns, and many autoimmune diseases. Finally, a specific pattern of cognitive deficits is often observed, with particular difficulties in visuospatial, mathematical, and memory areas.
So as we see people are born with a host of different possibilities in regard to sexual development. We know sexual drive and response is directly related to hormones. To say that someone "chooses" their sexual orientation would be the same as saying people with the above disorders "choose" their sexual response, which is basically saying that these people "choose" the way their genes and chromosomes are developed in the womb. It takes a very ignorant person to say and believe such erroneous information when there is a wealth of information available and proven. i have always said that hate comes about because it is the "easy" road to take. It is easy because it is always easy to formulate an opinion on things one knows nothing about and decide to hate it in an effort to keep from putting forth the initiative to learn about things we don't know. Hate comes as a result of laziness. People who hate don't know, don't want to know, and don't want to learn.
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